Friday, March 14, 2008


A tundra is a cold desert. It is a mountain with a lot of snow and it is very cold. It is the desert with the most coldest temepeture.The tundra is a flat cold land it is mostly found in the north. The types of animals that live in the tundra are polar bears, snowy owls, fox, hair, geese and the elk. The vegetation in the tundra are rain deer moss, alga and other types of plants. The climate in the tundra is cold and in the tundra you would find snow or ice for 8-9 months. The geography in the tundra is that there are allot of ice mountains called glaciers.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


There are hot desert cold desert and in beetween. sand causes hills are called dumms. Deserts are one of the most harshes envierments.Did you know antartican is a desert. It is also the desert that has the lowest tempeture in all deser
There are hot desert cold desert and in beetween. sand causes hills are called dumms. Deserts are one of the most harshes envierments.Did you know antartican is a desert. It is also the desert that has the lowest tempeture in all deserts

Friday, March 7, 2008

Rain Forest.

The rain forest is 7% of the earth surface.1 animal is extinkt every 15 minutes.The activity tat endangers the rain forest is cutting down trees.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

The Chidori

The Chidori


Oceans are the largest echo system of all. Oceans have many habitats. 75% of the earth is covered with water. Sunlite can go down about 100 meters of water. Lot of plankten live there. Planken is microsofic. There is a lot of presher down very far from the earth surface. Different animals live in different parts of the ocean. There are more than 21,000 different speshes in the ocean.