Friday, May 23, 2008


There are different types of Biomes.Plants animals and land are what make a biome. The biomes of earth are Tropical, Savannas , temperate, deserts arctic toga and Tundra. If you move a plant or animal out of it's biome the animal or plant it may not survive. We should help keep our biomes alive because we are cutting down forest and that could cause animals and or plants could become extinct or it could cause animals to move to different animals and they may not survive. I f we keep destroying our bioms it may cause water contamination.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Rain Forest

The Rain forest is a habitat that you can find many species of animal that you don't even know about. In the Rain forest over 9meters of rain falls every year. You may think that the Rain forest soil is good for farming but it is not true. The soil is not very fertile it is very poor in nutrient's but it can still support life. In the forest floor you could find many insects and fungi. In the Rain forest it is hot and humid. Over 15 minutes one forest species becomes extinct.